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Institutional Policy Report & Database

Policy Report

Analyzing the impact of how certain important and measurable factors, such as the number of postdocs at an institution, affect postdoc policies, benefits, and training programs.

Postdoc Policy Database

The members-only NPA Institutional Policy Database is a source for current postdoc policies and practices at U.S. research institutions, along with data on how postdoc offices are structured.

Project Description

The NPA conducts a nationwide survey of its organizational members every three years since 2013. The longitudinal data identifies areas of strengths and weakness in institutional progress to meet the NPA Recommended Policies and Practices. From the results, a subsequent report and database are compiled. The reports from 2017 and 2021 are published as a supplement to Sigma Xi’s magazine, American Scientist, and are also posted on their website.

The report’s key recommendations are to increase the staff and budget for postdoc offices, provide higher compensation and equality in postdoc benefits, implement a uniform postdoc onboarding process, offer an intentional training program, build a diverse postdoc population, and implement better career tracking of postdocs after they leave their training institutions.

A heartfelt thank you to our NPA institutional members who take the time to complete the NPA Institutional Policy Survey. In addition to Sigma Xi, the report also receives support from The Burroughs Wellcome Fund.

NPA Institutional Policy Reports & Databases

Pressing Forward in Supporting Postdocs

Highlighting both progress over the last decade in institutional support for postdocs as well as significant areas requiring attention. The report makes specific recommendations to institutions hosting the nation’s 72,000 postdocs.

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2022 Institutional Policy Survey Results

The members-only NPA Institutional Policy Database is a source for current postdoc policies and practices at U.S. research institutions.

Coming soon

Growing Progress In Supporting Postdocs

Taking the first look at longitudinal data covering a span of six years, including identification of areas of strength and weakness in institutional progress.

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2019 Institutional Policy Survey Results

The members-only NPA Institutional Policy Database is a source for current postdoc policies and practices at U.S. research institutions.

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Supporting the Needs of Postdocs

The report summarizes the results from the 2016 Institutional Policy Survey of 130 institutions that hire postdocs and hold NPA membership.

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2016 Institutional Policy Survey Results

The members-only NPA Institutional Policy Database is a source for current postdoc policies and practices at U.S. research institutions.

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Supporting And Developing Postdoctoral Scholars

The first report detailing the data outcomes from the 2013 Institutional Policy Survey.

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2013 Institutional Policy Survey Results

The members-only NPA Institutional Policy Database is a source for current postdoc policies and practices at U.S. research institutions.

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National Postdoctoral Association
4701 Sangamore Rd.
Suite 100n, #6043
Bethesda, MD 20816

The NPA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.